Tired of carrying around the burden and frustration of your bad habits?

Change is possible. And easier than you think.

What would your life look like if you finally kicked that bad habit?
Something came to mind, didn’t it –

Was it the full breath after years of strained breathing?
The lightness of your body without the heavy unwanted weight?
Or the feeling of waking up stress free and excited for a new day?

What if I told you there was a way to train your brain into doing exactly what you wanted,
so you can finally shift the narrative of your own life.

For good.

We’ve helped dozens of people in Metro Vancouver:

Lose Weight

Learn how to say goodbye to yo-yo diets, calorie counting, weigh-ins and feeling totally deprived.

Stop Smoking

What if instead of being controlled by your cravings for cigarettes, you found it easy to not think of them at all?

Manage Stress and Fear

Put an end to feeling deflated and burnt-out and start leading a satisfying and productive life.

"I am excited for my future. Especially to live a life more comfortable and confident in my skin."*

Jessica Picco
Grad Student
Hypnosis helped me "stop a smoking habit that was destroying my health and was making me spend money to sabotage my success."*
Lama Mugabo
Community Planner
"Hypnosis helped me feel calmer and lighter. This has brough me freedom and peace."*

Whitney Coupland
Life Coach

Other issues we help with: Build Self Confidence, Improve Sleep, Break Bad Habits

Client Testimonials

Clinic Director Jessica’s Story

Hypnosis completely changed my life - now it’s your turn.

I used to be an angry person.

I tried to soothe myself with baked goods and desserts. I stayed angry, and carried around 30+ unwanted, painful pounds for years until I discovered hypnosis. The tools I’ve gained from learning and practicing hypnosis have allowed me to create real change in my health and well-being, relationships, self-esteem, work and daily life.

Whether your goal is weight loss, smoking cessation, stress reduction, sleep improvement, personal growth, freedom from fears or bad habits, or anything in-between; I believe that hypnosis can benefit everybody!

You can stop living in the same frustrating cycle.
Take back your confidence and control.

Your results are our only success metric.

Free 30-40 Minute Consultation

We want to ensure hypnosis is the right fit for you. Our free screening will help you reveal your true motivations and discover if our services are the right stepping stones for your success. Many clients say they start to feel positive effects after their screening!

100+ Successful Clients

Our programs work. 100's of clients have changed their lives and never looked back using the Master Hypnotist Society method of hypnosis. Our programs are fully customized to your unique problems, triggers, and limiting beliefs.

Complimentary Monthly Group Classes

Like anything in life, there might be setbacks. Ongoing support is how we take care of our clients and ensure their long term success. These sessions are available in-person or on Zoom from the comfort of your home.

Unlock your potential with hypnosis! Subscribe to our Newsletter

*The client endorsements shown are only the experience of the client. Individual results may vary.